Sunday 18 December 2011


从小身边的人生气时很顺畅的说出他很“tulan” 。我们也对号入座的把这"tulan" 当作是方言的“生气”。生气时会"tulan" "tulan" 的说。数年后再朋友口中得知,原来这"tulan" 是粗俗语,粗口。但我们还是犯贱的继续说着。

Tuesday 16 August 2011

My first presentation d' Team member reflection^

Team member’s reflection.

Name of team member: Chai Poh Yuan
Matrix no.: 2072011050062

1.         What have you learnt from this report?   
            Answer: I was learned that people cannot present the product without understand . It is easy to find out the characteristic of the product by using it. Besides, I learned the method of power point and the format of report. Heroism wouldn’t complete the cooperation. This is what a team cause.  
2.         Your feelings?
            Answer: From the beginning, I am blur without understanding what the presentation is, what is power point, what to produce, and so how to do. Thank for my teammate we learn together, being nervous together, we are helping both of us together. Doing our job made us full in our feel.
3.         Any problems or issues?
Answer: Without experience, actually both of us don’t know what the presentation is. Whole of the presentation is strange for us. Actually, everything is the problem.
4.         Who is sleeping members in your team?
Answer: Actually, we are all not very in awake. But we all got done our job although separately.
5.         Who is the BEST team member, and why?
Answer:  The BEST team member is Cheah Qiao Jing. It is because she is a deeply hardworking girl. Both of us don’t know how to do the presentation. But Qiao Jing is the only one in status and led us go into the status. Beside, as a secretary Cheah Qiao Jing is totally done her responsible. She is honestly recorded everything we discuss and the meeting time every time we are meeting. Without shame she asks other lecturer and her families about the report and the presentation. This, her spirit deeply infect me.  
6.         Would you like to continue working with the same team? Why?
Answer: No. Although we had knew each teammate of us, next cooperation will be more well being but each of us will learn more thing and knowing more people through joining other group. Undeniable, I will grudge being separate with them.

I done my 1st persentation and report.
Thanks for Qiao Jing very much help us for the whole report.
Honestly they are missunderstanded, Qiao Jing done the whole report I am just the one help her. Poor us, we just done the report by 2 peoples. And I was rude till said 4-little-words. Crazy already,us.

Monday 8 August 2011


I was just havin fried chicken for my lunch , 11 prawn with my dinner and also with a super chocolate super heavy cheese cake. I make it so I am sure it is also super unhealthy. Its is guilt as a patient of cholesterol high with havin these. I am not naive as havin two kiwifruit will divorce my crime.

I dont prefer havin this feel everyday. I know I create this by myself. I should be more in control but I dont. Actually i dont want to be divorce with others. I dont think I can havin only the coleslaw while watching my family using the oilly, crunchy, delicious fried chicken. This act will make me feels distinct.Seriously, I need to manage my menu. I need to keep my mind positive.

Nobody knows how nervous i m.. I used to be a unhealthy child. Ofcouse a unhealthy teenager. I know I will continue unhealthy, unhealthy, unhealthy.

I had no way to complain. I made  it. I dunno my less sleeping cause it or my presumptuous manage my diet.

I lost my confidence.
I lost my health.
I hate.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Yesterday. Go play badminton and basketball at arHong house after the mid-term of microecomomics. We are not the good sport player. Undeniable, voice of laugh is more than sweat. This is not because of we are less active but we are really laugh in in the whole day. We went Straits Quay again. Straits Quay is the place I mostly like in Penang especially the with wind blow through my face. I am happy even we are just take a walk.
                Thx for Ming's shot. 


Willingness to create this. I wants to remind my memories. Especially the happies. I am the forgetful people.